VIKOPROOF Hot Pour Cement

Vikoproof – S SULPHUR Cement
It is plasticized sulphur cement supplied in ingots. This is heated and the molten cement is used as bedding and jointing of tiles by pouring. This cement is strongly recommended to resist 65% nitric acid, 60% sulphuric acid and many mineral acids. It does not resist alkalis and solvents.
Vikoproof – S SULPHUR Cement
This is bitumen based cement in powder form. The molten cement is poured in joints between tiles and can resist mild acids and alkalis. It can not resist solvents.


VIKOSEAL – AR Bitumen Primer

This is the most commonly used and most economical primer based on bitumen as the base compound. This is a single pack compound system and when applied dries at room temperature. The primer is manufactured conforming to IS 158. This can be applied over the base concrete after cleaning the substrate and making it void of all dust particles. It gives a good bonding to the BITUMASTIC layer applied over this.


VIKOSEAL – EP Epoxy Primer

This is 2 component Epoxy based primer used as a base primer prior to A. R. Tiling, Epoxy Screed lining and Self levelling. This is also recommended in refineries where Bitumastic heating is not allowed. In such cases when Epoxy screeding as an interliner becomes very costly, the thickness can be built up in the primer coat itself by sprinkling sufficient quantity of silica sand over the above.